Work accident insurance for domestic employees aims to transfer to the Insurance Company the obligation to reimburse hospitalization costs due to bodily injuries suffered by domestic employees while performing their professional activity;
The insurance covers accidents occurring during the execution of the professional activity as well as in the employee's itinerary, contemplating also situations in which there is temporary or permanent incapacity;

The costs resulting from the accident at work, namely the hospitalization, treatment and medication expenses of the domestic employee are guaranteed by the insurance company;
Under the uniform TA policy of Mozambique, (Decree 62 2013 BR. 97 - Novo Regime Jurídico de Acidentes de Trabalho e Doenças Profissionais) medical assistance and medication must be in a public hospital.

Key Advantages

  • Ease of subscription to the product, because of the simplification of the documentation required;
  • Paragraph c) of article 13 of Decree 40/2008 of 26 November, which approves the Domestic Work Regulation, obliges domestic employers to provide their domestic employee with medical assistance and respective compensation in the event of occupational accidents and illnesses - in order to safeguard this obligation, the employer can take out this policy so as not to incur large indemnities;
  • The Insurer, under the AT policy, is responsible for the payment of 70% of the salary of the Hospitalized Employee due to a claim under the AT.

Payment Methods

  • Annual.

According to the Uniform Policy of Work Accidents of Mozambique. Coverage and compensation is established by the Court taking into account the opinion of the medical board.


Minimum: MZN 3,690.00 (regardless of the number of employees up to a maximum of an annual salary of MZN 460,000.00)
Maximum: Calculated based on the annual salary

62 2013 BR. 97 - Novo Regime Jurídico de Acidentes de Trabalho e Doenças Profissionais